Thursday, November 18, 2010

When Do You Know?

The good questions in life... you know, the ones that never get answered but always constantly asked... never have easy answers. And sometimes, the answers all vary too!

Take "When did you know that they were the one? Did you have doubts?" Here are several answers that I have heard.

1. I never knew that they were the one. It was just time to get married.
2. Couple months in, I felt it.
3. There is no "one." You just need to know that they are a good person and will be faithful, strong, and be there for your future kids.

Well then... with all the different answers, how do you know which is the right one?!

And then I think... it's really not supposed to be this complicated. No matter the wide range of answers, each one worked for that person at that time. They had their belief system and it worked for them in their life.

... Now if I could only find out what I believe too. To stay or not to stay? That is the question...

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